Thursday, November 21, 2013

Peer Groups and Bullying

This week's discussion of the influence of peer to peer relationships was very interesting. I have not had a lot of experience learning about peer relationships in schools so found our discussions beneficial. I think that the fact that students choose peer groups who share similar values is important to note. Students who are concerned with their academic achievement will most likely choose friends with similar concern for academics. I also thought our Skype session, though very technical, was interesting. Social relationships do change and do influence students in school. This is important for teachers to realize because students can promote or discourage each other.

In terms of bullying, I think that teachers need to be more present and more influential. Students should be taught how to deal with bullies in a practical manner. I do not necessarily think that bullying can ever be eliminated but encouraging students to stand up for themselves and to have non violent outlets fro their anger may alleviate bullying issues. As for the sensationalized nature of bullying leading to suicide, I am a bit torn. The media certainly should not make us believe that bullying causes suicide however, teen suicide is an issue that schools need to more openly address. Mental health is an issue that needs to be more openly discussed in schools, especially in middle and high school. Schools need to provide a way for students to feel safe and that they have someone to talk to. Teen suicide is a major issue, and despite the sensationalism in media reports, schools need to insure they are a safe, inclusive (especially for LGBTQ students) places where students can address any mental health issues.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Funding and Technology

This week's discussion about Kozol's views on school fundraising was particularly challenging. I'd like to think I share his progressive views as I do believe children should have the right to a quality education regardless of their parents income level. I wish that public schools did receive equal funding however, the idea that fundraisers should be made "illegal" is challenging. There is no equal funding if schools can fundraise because wealthier schools will always raise more money. However, forbidding fundraisers for all schools may prevent low income schools from receiving extra funds for programs like music or sports. I do no think it is practical to forbid fundraising despite it's unfair nature. This issue is very complex and I feel I will continue to think about funding and fairness as I continue my studies and teaching career.

As for the technology presented to us, I feel very optimistic as a future teacher. Things like Khan Academy and apps like Doceri and Educreations make me feel confident that as a teacher I will have tools to individualize lessons and constantly monitor my student's progress. I hope that wherever I work my students will be able to access such useful technological tools to help them learn.